The work we do would not be possible without your support.
You can make a donation directly to the charity’s bank account or via Projects Abroad Foundation Just Giving page

London Drummonds Branch, 49 Charing Cross, London SW1A 2DX
Account Name: Projects Abroad Foundation
Sort-code and Account Number:
16-00-38 10190697
IBAN: GB57 RBOS 1600 3810 1906 97 / BIC RBOSGB2L

Securely donate any currency with a few simple clicks using Just Giving.
Account Name: Projects Abroad Foundation
If you’re interested in being a PROJECTS ABROAD FOUNDATION SPONSOR, contact Sheila Luke, on sheila@projectsabroadfoundation.org or telephone her on
+44 (0)77662 57765 or +44 (0)1903 750007.
She will liaise between you the sponsor and the child or student you – or your family or friends or class – are sponsoring. Thank you.
SPONSORing one child for primary school:
Your sponsorship would enable one child to become a TORE JUNIOR SCHOLAR. It would pay for their school fees (in Ghana at Tore Eikeland School in Akokoa Village), and it would pay for the things that they need for school such as uniform and books (and in South Africa a tablet). Tore Junior Scholars will also learn more about the world around them from local travel and visits around their community and their region.
The sponsorship of a Tore Junior Scholar costs:
$845 for a year (or $70 for a month)
€695 for a year (or €58 for a month)
£640 for a year (or £54 for a month)
Your sponsorship would enable one high school student to become a TORE SENIOR SCHOLAR.
It would pay for them to attend school and it would provide them with a laptop with good educational software. They would learn how to use the internet discerningly. They would also travel quite extensively within Ghana or South Africa and learn more about the workings of their community and their country. Tore’s Foundation will give Tore Senior Scholars the opportunity to meet with decision-makers so they can understand more about the formation of economy, politics and culture. Your sponsorship would provide a Tore Senior Scholar with important experience.
The sponsorship of a Tore Senior Scholar costs:
$1,795 for a year (or $150 for a month)
€1,500 for a year (or €125 for a month)
£1,350 for a year (or £113 for a month)
9£Every monthPerfect for those with a kind heart wanting to startÂ- Sponsor School Meals For One Child
15£Every monthÂ- Sponsor Uniform And Books For One Child